JAN 2016
Oil on Wood
100 x 70 cm
Gonçalo Preto, born in Lisbon in 1991, completed a BFA in Product Design at the Faculty of Fine Arts of Lisbon, having studied for 10 months at Kassel Kunsthochschule (GER) whitin the Erasmus program, where he regained the interest for the drawing practice, thanks to the freedom of the educational system. In late 2012 he moved to Berlin, where he lived and worked during 12 months, and developed a wide body of work mostly composed by ink on paper and printmaking techniques. In January 2014, he moved to San Francisco, CA (USA) to start his second BFA in Fine Arts - Painting at the Academy of Art University. His work as been shown in Portugal, Germany and the United States of America. Currenlty lives and works in Lisbon.