Memory is one of the central features in the work of Ana Tecedeiro, which is built upon numerous registers that involve and evoke everyday life. This collection or appropriation of registers reminds us of a child’s gaze – attentive, curious and devoid of any attempt at resistance. Although this gaze may seem ingenuous, it is filled with a profound meaningfulness, directing our attention to places and past experiences, while still retaining the power to reformulate them.
Her work has great versatility, not only in technical terms, adopting different approaches, such as an extraordinary coherence of form and concept.
The appropriation is clear both in her two-dimensional works (in which the introduction of certain elements provokes a carefully considered reconstruction that subverts the purely visual and pre-acquired elements), and in her three-dimensional constructions (in which Ana Tecedeiro concentrates, circumscribes and deposits objects, among small wooden cubicles or boxes). These objects then take on their own life, concentrating in themselves reminiscences of a past in which the spectator can see himself reflected and revisit himself, while at the same time reconstructing the different spaces and concentrating them into one single space.
by Tiago Mourão